
来源:国际教育网 2023-04-25 11:29:27


听力部分4月22日的考试刚刚结束。今日P2部分能在杭州新航道内刊《新航道雅思听力速递机经》书本中找到。注意考情回顾只是大概信息,答案仅供参考,关键是积累考点和背景。Part 1考察内容:酒店预定(新题)考察题型:笔记填空题注意积累相同背景下常考词汇,注意拼写本篇部分参考答案为:6;view(风景,景色); drinks; band; Saturday; balcony(阳台,露台);SeptemberPart2书P117页考察内容:童话故事考察题型:单项选择+配对本篇单选+配对题的组合为常规P2部分题型。注意积累具象化替换以及选择题常考干扰方式。例如11题,题目要求去年广告放送的媒介(radio),原文大概率提及今年的媒介,或者不打算采用的媒介。本篇配对题为题干数量多于选项数量的情况,因此会有重复勾选的结果。注意了解不同类型配对题。Part3考察内容:学生和导师讨论课业(新题)考察题型:选择题暂无具体回忆Part4考察内容:关于气味的研究(新题)考察题型:笔记填空题本篇部分参考答案为:bear; source; bread; gym; anger; spice(香料)口语部分写在前面:本篇主要收录2023年1月的雅思纸笔口语和机考口语题目。请大家结合题库,本份预测进行构思、准备、演练。Part12 红色题为必备考题,紫色题为第二重点优先准备。*重点优先按顺序准备题目,一边刷题库,一边整理语料,根据预测来高效准备,尽量考前确保所有预测都按顺序至少刷过一遍(文档结尾附备考建议)三大必考题:Work or study/ Hometown/ AccommodationPart1必备考题Staying up/Music/Schools/Chocolate/Small business/Outer space and stars/Jewelry/Weekends/T-shirt/Keys/Happy/Library/Fast food /Noise/ArtSinging/Geography/Social media/Puzzles/Technology/Housework and Cooking/Public Transportation/Names/Birthday/Writing/Weather/Snacks/morning timePart2必备考题Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking withDescribe a character from a filmDescribe a person you have met who you want to work / study withDescribe an interesting old person you metDescribe another city you would like to stay for a short timeDescribe your favorite place in your house where you can relaxDescribe a noisy place you have been toDescribe a place you visited where the air was pollutedDescribe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall / park)Describe an unusual meal you hadDescribe something that you did with someone / a group of peopleDescribe the first day you went to school that you rememberDescribe a time when you taught a friend / relative somethingDescribe a time when you missed or late for a meetingDescribe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to useDescribe a historical period you would like to know moreDescribe a website you often visitDescribe a sport you enjoyed when you were youngDescribe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know wellDescribe a gift you received第二重点准备Describe a time when you needed to search for informationDescribe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park, on the beach etc.)Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visitDescribe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch againDescribe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recentlyDescribe a program you like to watchDescribe a friend from your childhoodDescribe a photo you took that you are proud ofDescribe a disagreement you had with someoneDescribe an important thing you learned (not at school or college)Describe a person who is fashionableDescribea person you know who loves to grow plants (e.g.vegetables/fruits/flowers etc.)Describe a person who inspired you to do something interestingDescribe a song/a piece of music you likeDescribe a person you know who is from a different cultureDescribe a time when you received money as a giftDescribe a problem you had while shopping online or in a storeDescribe a popular place for sports (e.g. a stadium)Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/travelersDescribe a time you made a decision to wait for somethingDescribe a time when you missed an appointmentDescribe an object that you think is beautifulDescribe something you had to share with othersDescribe a story or novel you have read that you found interestingDescribe an impressive English lesson that you had and enjoyed备考tips:今天我们分享一道本季度学生反馈近期考到的难点题目:WritingDo you write a lot?What do you like to write?Why?Do you think the things you write would change?Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?同学们目前在这个话题里展现的内容相对思维会比较狭隘,大多数体现于日常的写作业之类的这时候我们要熟悉雅思问题的方式,如Do you think the things you write would change?这道题很多同学会反应将来不写作业会缺少内容,那么这时要理解对于未来的事情有无限可能,我们可以把相关对应的话题内容结合扩展,如这道题可以和library或者reading话题关联,如自己喜欢那个类型的书那么就可以将来想要写相关的内容,如我是detectivenovel(侦探小说)迷,那么我将来可以写一本自己的侦探小说,关于自己熟悉的内容如:perfectcrime/highintelligentcrime,亦或者言情小说/科幻小说及对应的内容,甚至可以从其他自己熟悉的相关方面入手,如热爱旅游可以将来写travelguide旅游攻略或者热爱美食记录自己的secretrecipe秘方,总而言之当我们遇到感觉没有思路的话题,要理解这些都是日常话题能和我们自身熟悉内容挂钩去思考即可。写作部分小作文:地图题:关于一个校园5年的变迁今日考察的小作文是一篇非数据类图地图题。关于地图的写作,大家需要重点关注地点经历的变化,一般分段可以按照图片来,一般一幅图分一段,Body1 描述之前的情况 Body 2描述变化之后的情况,在描述方位的时候注意介词on/to/in之间的差别。宏观概括不要遗漏。关于地图的写作大家可以参考C9T1和C14T4的范文作参考。Some people think paying taxes is a big enough contribution to their society, while others think people have more responsibilities as members of society than only paying taxes. Discuss both views and give your opinion.一些人认为付稅是一个对社会足够大的贡献,然而其他人认为相较于付稅,作为社会的一员,人们有更多的责任。讨论双方的观点并且给出自己的看法。最近双边讨论的题目真的是雅思考试的宠儿,从三月份开始这已经是第五场考到双边讨论的考试了。最近打算参加考试的同学一定要重点关注这类题型的写法,做好准备。弗兰克林曾经说过,人的一生有两件事情无法避免,一个是付稅另一个是死亡。今天的写作题目就考到了税收。对于双边观点的题目,大家在主体段只需要分别给出原因去解释双方的观点并且在最后给出自己的看法即可。甲方的观点大家可以聊到对于这些人可能是一些收入很高的人,他们薪资的很大一部分都被征税,他们觉得正是因为这部分税收,国家才能够有资金运行社会的方方面面。在他们看来社会能够正常运行很大的一部分功劳来自于他们的税收贡献。乙方觉得只付稅会太片面,作为公民应该要承担更多的责任,比如不做危害社会稳定的事情,需要遵守国家的法律等等。阅读部分今天的阅读考试的P3没有单选题,这让不少考生松了一口气,但是P2 P3连续两篇出现段落信息匹配题,还是让不少学生感觉做题时间不充足。Passage1:walking的好处首次出现:2023.4.22类别:社会难度:★题型配比:填空6+判断7分析:今天的第一篇是非常常规的填空加判断题的组合,文章讲到了walking的好处,话题很接近日常生活。判断和填空题的数量很平均。Passage2:黑山学院首次出现:2023.4.22类别:艺术难度:★★★题型配比:段落信息匹配+特殊词匹配+摘要填空分析:这篇文章中介绍了黑山学院,了解了一些资料,他是一座如乌托邦般的乐园,它虽然只存在了24年,但它对美国艺术史产生了举足轻重的影响。从1933年到1957年,在那里,一群衣衫褴褛的教师——叛逆的艺术系教授约翰·安德鲁·赖斯、物理学教授西奥多·德雷尔、化学教授弗雷德里克乔治亚、诗人查尔斯·奥尔森——为学生提供以艺术为核心的文科教育。今天的P2题型匹配很常见,合理分配做题时间和顺序,应该能够很好应对。Passage3:planetwithoutsun曾出现:2013.8.24类别:天文学难度:★★★题型配比:段匹+判断+句子填空分析:这是一篇关于天文学的文章,此类话题的文章,考生不熟悉,专业词汇一多就容易看的云里雾里。今天的第三篇没有单选题,但是取代它的是段匹,依旧是让考生感到困难的题型。与P3类似的话题文章可以参考剑9test2passage2 VenusinTransit金星凌日。



